Finding work after JobKeeper

27 April 2021

Finding work after JobKeeper

JobKeeper scheme has ended

The government’s JobKeeper scheme, which was introduced to help keep Australian workers employed during the pandemic, ended in March. That means employers no longer get the government’s subsidy to help pay wages.

If you’re worried about what might happen now that JobKeeper has ended, you’re not alone. The payment helped about 1.5 million employees. Up to 150,000 jobs are estimated to be impacted, with some employers left struggling to pay wages without the subsidy.

If the changes affect you, your employer is likely to have let you know. If you’re not sure if you’ll be affected, or if you’re worried about it, chat to your employer.

What support’s available?

I’m currently working but my circumstances are going to change

If your employment circumstances are going to change now that JobKeeper has ended, you may be eligible for JobSeeker (previously called Newstart Allowance) or Youth Allowance income support. You can start your claim for JobSeeker up to 13 weeks before your work circumstances will change. You can find out more about this here.

I’m out of a job

If you’re not currently working, consider applying for JobSeeker or Youth Allowance. If eligible, you’ll be referred to an employment services provider (like CoAct), who will be able to help you find a job through employment programs such as jobactive, Disability Employment Services (DES), Transition to Work (TtW) or Career Transition Assistance (CTA).

Look at your finances

Changes in your work situation can be tough. Revisiting your budget is always a good idea to see if there are areas you can trim down to take away some financial pressure.

The National Debt Helpline provides free and independent financial counselling. They can explain how you can apply for financial hardship arrangements and help you understand your legal rights.

Reach out to your utility and insurance providers, you may be eligible for subsidy or hardship payments. You may also be eligible for the Family Tax Benefit, rent assistance and energy supplement. Find out more about these payments.

Will JobKeeper ending affect my job search?

Hopefully not!

While some jobs in industries (such as tourism) are still impacted by Covid-19, there’s good news. Most industries in Australia are steadily recovering and jobs are on the

rise, with total employment almost at pre-pandemic levels. The job market is picking up faster than many experts expected, especially for full-time employment.

Australia’s unemployment rate fell from 6.3 percent to 5.8 percent in February. According to government data, an extra 88,700 people found jobs in February. The number of job ads increased

by 7 percent in February to 192,000 vacancies. Most of these jobs were full-time roles.

Tips for finding work

Upskilling or retrain

There’s currently a lot of competition for entry-level roles. If you can, think about upskilling in an area you’re experienced in, or retrain in an area that interests you. This will give you an edge.

Think outside the box

Think about ways you can find work, other than the traditional job searching through online jobs boards or newspapers. Who’s in your network that may know someone who’s hiring? There are lots of local job search groups on Facebook, which you can join to stay in the loop for opportunities. Reaching out to employers you’d like to work for is another great option.

Get help from an employment services provider

Finding the right employment services provider is important. We can help you find the right job for you by really listening and providing you with tailored support. Register your interest in employment services here.

Keep looking after yourself

And remember to look after yourself. Move your body, eat well and do what you can to feel good, even if that’s just getting some sunshine and fresh air daily.

Illustration of staff member sitting at her work desk

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