7 ways we can support you in your job search
7 ways we can support you in your job search
Job hunting with a disability doesn’t need to be a daunting task. CoAct can help you map out your pathway to work, supporting you through the entire process.
We understand that job seeking can be hard at the best of times. If you’re living with a disability, illness, injury or mental health condition, we can help you find and keep a job. CoAct and our service partners deliver Disability Employment Services all across Australia.
We’ve worked with people from all walks of life and understand how different each of us are. Our teams are disability specialists and many of our staff have a lived experience. We understand the complexities of living with and trying to find or maintain work with a disability. This expertise allows us to provide highly tailored job search support.
Here are 7 ways we can support you in your job search if you are living with disability, injury or illness:
If you’re looking to upskill, start an apprenticeship or traineeship, or even just brush up on your work-readiness, we can help. We’ll find the right training for you, helping build your confidence along the way. We hold regular workshops, and you can even find upskilling and work-readiness resources on our online customer hub, Campus.
When you start preparing for interviews you may have questions about the law and your rights. We can give you more information on what interviewers can and can’t ask you. You may want to know about whether you’re obligated to disclose your disability in your job applications or interviews.
We are always working with our network of employers so they have a better understanding of the laws around disability and employment, and we can answer any questions or concerns you or potential employers have. You can find out more about your rights by reading 5 questions your interviewer shouldn’t ask if you have a disability, illness or injury.
Advocacy is when you get support from another person to help express your views and wishes. You can choose how we work with your existing support network. Your friends, family or other advocates are always invited to support you in-person during any meeting you have with us. Our job is to make you feel comfortable, understood and supported in whatever way that works for you. Chat to us about involving your advocates in your DES journey with us.
Ongoing support to thrive
When you’ve landed the job, we’ll stay by your side for the first 12 months of your new role. We’ll meet with you regularly to make sure you’re getting what you need and are enjoying the job. We’ll work with you and your employer to ensure you’re supported and thriving at work.
Register with CoAct for Disability Employment Services
We know disability, we know the local job market, and we’re connected to local employers. Register your interest for Disability Employment Services today and let us help you get started.
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