CoAct Impact Report 2019-20
CoAct Impact Report 2019-20
Along with our local network of community partners, we’ve continued to help those most in need as they’ve grappled with COVID-19, rising unemployment and job scarcity. This year has been challenging for us all. COVID-19 has not only put enormous pressure on the Australian economy, it’s also demanded new ways of living, working and looking after our people. While almost everyone has been impacted, the most vulnerable have been hit particularly hard. It’s for times like these that CoAct exists. View our impact report.
Video Transcript:
A year like no other. While the past year has been challenging for us all, the most vulnerable have been hit particularly hard. COVID-19 has put enormous pressure on our economy and has demanded new ways of living and working. It’s for times like these that CoAct exists. We’ve continued to help those most in need as they’ve grappled with rising unemployment and job scarcity. While our number of customers has skyrocketed, we’ve remained steadfast in finding people the right job, one they enjoy, feel empowered by, and can sustain.
By collaborating with caring and committed partners across Australia, we’ve supported over 61,000 customers. We’ve placed almost 14,000 people in work and supported 9,300 apprentices and trainees. And let’s not forget the connections we’ve made with employers — over 70,000. In a year that called for innovation, our caseload increased by 150% between March and June, and face-to-face consultations were put on hold.
We needed to adapt quickly. Within six weeks, we developed Campus, an online jobs hub to enable digital servicing. Within a month, 7,000 job seekers had registered. We also digitized our career transition assistance program to enable self-directed learning.
Our network exists to help the most vulnerable in the community. 82% of our customers are long-term unemployed. Our customers received an average wage three times higher than the standard Centrelink benefit. That’s a total of almost 165 million dollars in wages.
Because remarkable times call for a remarkable response. Read the full report at